Event Calendar
‘Tis the season for this favorite holiday workshop at the Botanical Conservatory. Using a variety of branch tips, design a fragrant evergreen centerpiece complimented by ribbon, pine cones and a festive feature. If you wish, even add some of you own accents from home. Returning instructor and floral designer, Dennis Bowman guides participants through step-by-step assembly including how to tie the perfect bow! While at the Botanical Conservatory, you are also invited to visit the “Timeless Tradition” holiday exhibit. Ages 15+. Registration deadline: November 24. Min. 12. Max. 36.
Code Date Day Time
127501-R2 12/14 Th 6-7:30 pm
127501-S1 12/16 Sa 9:30-11 am
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$49
Member or Volunteer Fee: $44
Location: Bot. Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St.