Botanical Conservatory
Learn how to forage for food in your own backyard! Identify common edible plants and learn how they can be used as well as when and how to harvest them. Take advantage of this opportunity to not only learn about, but taste wild edibles with Carrie Vrabel. A known wild food forager, Carrie is certified by the state of Indiana as a Wild Mushroom Identification Expert and is the founder of Wild Edible Indiana. Conservatory admission is included with registration. Ages 8+. All minors must be accompanied by a registered adult. Registration deadline: September 23 and October 5. Min 10. Max 20.
Code Date Day Time
4271XX 9/30 Sa 10 am-12 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$22
Member or Volunteer Fee: $19
Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St.